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CLI Application

The CLI trainer application allows you to train CAD targets via a terminal application.

Train CAD

  1. Starting the trainer application with no argument, or -h, or -help displays usage instructions.

  2. To run CAD training you need to set the

    • output directory,
    • input configuration (e.g. defaultCADTargetTrainingConfig.json),
    • CAD file,
    • camera calibration

Detail Camera Calibration

The target data files must be generated with the camera intrinsics of the device used for tracking. Follow the instructions on Camera Calibration to generate a suitable calibration file.

Limitation: CAD Target Tracking currently only supports 640 x 480 input resolution (landscape mode).

Train targets for each camera (different FOV / different focal length) used for tracking.

Detail Input Configuration

The input configuration JSON file must contain the following:


  "Config.Target.Type": "CAD",
  "Config.Target.Name": "targetname",
  "CAD.UprightVector": [ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ],
  "CAD.Detection.DistanceRange": [ 0.3, 0.6 ],
  "CAD.Detection.NumTrainingViews": 1000,
  "CAD.Detection.ElevationAngleRange": [10.0, 70.0],
  "CAD.Model.DiscreteSymmetries": [0, 0, 0],
  "CAD.Model.ContinuousSymmetries": ""

Configuration parameter explanation:

Always use "CAD" for CAD Training.

The name of the Target. Allowed characters: 'a-z' 'A-Z' '0-9' '_'.

A vector that defines the upright axis of the object. By default, the upright axis is defined as the Y-axis of the model, therefore [0.0, 1.0, 0.0].

Defines the detectable distance in meters. Large ranges can lead to less stable detection.

Defines the number of viewpoints for training. A higher number of viewpoints increases the detection quality. A lower number of viewpoints increases runtime performance.

The minimum and maximum elevation angle in degrees from which the object should be detectable.

Angle Description
90° Top-down view
Horizontal view
-90° Bottom-up view

Depending on the possible orientation of the target in the environment consider restricting the elevation angles to improve the detection quality.

Defines for each axis (X, Y, Z) a single rotation, in degree, representing a discrete rotational symmetry. [0, 180, 0] describes that the object is symmetric to 180 degree rotations on the Y-axis.

Defines one or multiple continuous symmetry axis. As an example, assign Y for an upright standing Cone.


Batch training of CAD targets is not possible.

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