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Object3D Target Training

General information about Object 3D Target tracking can be found here.


Before training Object3D targets, prepare an object file consisting of the target's geometry and its texture in one of the following formats:

  • .gltf (GLTF2 format)
  • .glb (GLB2 format)
  • .obj (Wavefront OBJ format)

Note that some formats reference the object´s texture as a separate file. In that case, only the geometry file needs to be specified as an argument, since the texture is referenced internally.

Object3D target training

TRACK-Trainer-Native.exe object3d --help
Usage: object3d [-h] --name VAR [--output VAR] --path VAR --physicalSize VAR [--views VAR] [--upVector VAR...] [--exportModel]

performs object3d target training

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help            shows help message and exits
  -v, --version         prints version information and exits
  --name                name of the trained target [required]
  --output              path where to save the trained target [default: "./"]
  --path                path to the object file [required]
  --physicalSize        physical height of the object (in meter) [required]
  --views               whether to generate views from all directions ('sphere') or only from the upper hemisphere ('hemisphere') [default: "hemisphere"]
  --upVector            up vector of the object model [nargs: 3] [default: {0 0 1}]
  --exportModel         generates an .obj file of the model for visualization next to the .track file

TRACK-Trainer-Native.exe object3d --name ObjectTarget --path .\Object.obj --physicalSize 1.0 --output .\ObjectTarget
                                    --views hemisphere
                                    --upVector 0 0 1

Copyright (C) 2023 VIRNECT CO., LTD.
All rights reserved.

The following parameters can be set for Object3D target training:

  • name Name of the target following the naming convention mentioned here.
  • path Path to the object file, e.g. ".\Object.obj" if the file is in the same folder as the Trainer CLI
  • physicalSize Physical height of the object, used to compute the conversion factor between the abstract units used in the object file, and the physical sizes in meters
  • output Optional output path, must be a directory, e.g. ".\Targets\"
  • views Influences the directions from which the target will be detectable/trackable: either "hemisphere" (for standing objects that are only looked at from the side and above) or "sphere" (for objects looked at from all directions)
  • upVector The unit vector in the object's abstract coordinates that will be used to determine which side of the object is its top
  • exportModel Exports the model of the object as an .obj file that's placed in the output path next to the .track file. This can be used to improve the visualization during tracking the target