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To track the targets, the Track framework requires some information about the target. The VIRNECT Track Target Trainer is a CLI application that generates this trackable data, which fuses the virtual and real objects.

CLI Trainer

Starting the trainer application with no argument, or -h, or -help displays usage instructions.

TRACK-Trainer-Native.exe --help
Usage: Trainer CLI [-h] {box,cad,cylinder,export,image,object3d,plane,qrcode}

Performs training of a target for the given inputs and generates a .track file which represents a trackable target.

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help    shows help message and exits
  -v, --version prints version information and exits

  box           performs box target training
  cad           performs cad target training
  cylinder      performs cylinder target training
  export        exports metadata from an existing .track file
  image         performs image target training
  object3d      performs object3d target training
  plane         performs plane target training
  qrcode        performs qrcode target training

  TRACK-Trainer-Native.exe export   --file ./target.track --output ./
  TRACK-Trainer-Native.exe image    --name ImageTarget  --path .\Image.png --physicalSize 1.0 0.8 --output .\ImageTarget
  TRACK-Trainer-Native.exe qrcode   --name QRCodeTarget --content Content  --physicalSize 1       --output .\QRCodeTarget
  TRACK-Trainer-Native.exe cad      --name CADTarget    --path .\CAD.obj --output .\CADTarget
  TRACK-Trainer-Native.exe plane    --name PlaneTarget  --path .\Image.png --physicalSize 1.0 1.0 --output .\PlaneTarget
                                    --vertices 24 10 493 108 497 335 22 325
                                    --resolution 640 480
                                    --focalLength 600 600
                                    --principalPoint 320 240
                                    --distortions 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
  TRACK-Trainer-Native.exe box      --name BoxTarget   --path .\Image.png --physicalSize 1.0 1.0 1.0 --output .\PlaneTarget
                                    --vertices 68 174 350 16 562 93 546 229 308 456 96 320 301 299
                                    --resolution 640 480
                                    --focalLength 600 600
                                    --principalPoint 320 240
                                    --distortions 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
  TRACK-Trainer-Native.exe cylinder --name CylinderTarget --path .\Image.png --physicalSize 0.03 0.2 --output .\PlaneTarget
                                    --vertices 191 48 312 35 445 54 188 410 317 431 440 415
                                    --resolution 640 480
                                    --focalLength 600 600
                                    --principalPoint 320 240
                                    --distortions 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
  TRACK-Trainer-Native.exe object3d --name ObjectTarget --path .\Object.obj --physicalSize 1.0 --output .\ObjectTarget
                                    --views hemisphere
                                    --upVector 0 0 1

Copyright (C) 2023 VIRNECT CO., LTD.
All rights reserved.

The following types of targets can be trained with our CLI Trainer application:

The following utility functions are available in the CLI Trainer application:


Map targets cannot be trained with the trainer CLI application, but instead need to be recorded with the tracking framework itself. See: Map Target Recording.

Naming Conventions

  • Ensure unique target names for all targets used in one application.
  • Tracking different targets with the same name is not possible.
  • The target name can only consist of the following characters:

    • a-z
    • A-Z
    • 0-9
    • _


Download the trainer CLI application here.