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Exporting Metadata from existing .track files

Exporting basic metadata

The trainer has a built-in utility function to inspect an existing .track file, and extract some metadata from it. This can be helpful to identify .track files.

The properties that are extracted for all files are:

  • Name of the target
  • Target type of the target (such as Object3D)
  • Physical dimensions of the target

Exporting an image of the target

Optionally, by providing the --output command-line argument, an image of the target can be extracted. The exact relation of the image to the target depends on the target type:

  • For Image targets, the fixed-resolution grayscale version of the training image is extracted
  • For QR Code targets, the QR code image is extracted
  • For Shape targets, a camera view of the target is extracted
  • For CAD targets, this function is not supported


TRACK-Trainer-Native export --help
Usage: export [-h] --file VAR [--output VAR]

exports metadata from an existing .track file

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help    shows help message and exits
  -v, --version prints version information and exits
  --file        path to the .track file [required]
  --output      path to save the image

TRACK-Trainer-Native.exe export   --file ./target.track --output ./

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All rights reserved.

The following parameters can be set for shape target training:

  • file Path and filename of the .track file to extract metadata from.
  • output Optional output path; if provided, then an image of the target is extracted from the .track file and placed in this directory.