To track the targets, the Track framework requires some information about the target. The VIRNECT Track Target Trainer is a CLI application that generates this trackable data, which fuses the virtual and real objects.
CLI Trainer
Starting the trainer application with no argument, or -h, or -help displays usage instructions.
TRACK-Trainer-Native.exe --help
Usage: Trainer CLI [--help] [--version] {box,cylinder,image,plane,qrcode}
Performs training of a target for the given inputs and generates a .track file which represents a trackable target.
Optional arguments:
-h, --help shows help message and exits
-v, --version prints version information and exits
box Perform training of a box target.
cylinder Perform training of a cylinder target.
image Perform training of a image target.
plane Perform training of a plane target.
qrcode Perform training of a qrcode target.
TRACK-Trainer-Native.exe image --name ImageTarget --path .\Image.png --physicalSize 1.0 0.8 --output .\
TRACK-Trainer-Native.exe qrcode --name QRCodeTarget --content Content --physicalSize 1 --output .\
TRACK-Trainer-Native.exe plane --name PlaneTarget --path .\Image.png --physicalSize 1.0 1.0 --output .\ --vertices 24 10 493 108 497 335 22 325 --resolution 640 480 --focalLength 600 600 --principalPoint 320 240 --distortions 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
TRACK-Trainer-Native.exe box --name BoxTarget --path .\Image.png --physicalSize 1.0 1.0 1.0 --output .\ --vertices 68 174 350 16 562 93 546 229 308 456 96 320 301 299 --resolution 640 480 --focalLength 600 600 --principalPoint 320 240 --distortions 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
TRACK-Trainer-Native.exe cylinder --name CylinderTarget --path .\Image.png --physicalSize 0.03 0.2 --output .\ --vertices 191 48 312 35 445 54 188 410 317 431 440 415 --resolution 640 480 --focalLength 600 600 --principalPoint 320 240 --distortions 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Copyright (C) 2023 VIRNECT CO., LTD.
All rights reserved.
The following types of targets can be trained with our CLI Trainer application:
Map targets cannot be trained with the trainer CLI application, but instead need to be recorded with the tracking framework itself. See: Map Target Recording.
Naming Conventions
- Ensure unique target names for all targets used in one application.
- Tracking different targets with the same name is not possible.
The target name can only consist of the following characters:
Download the trainer CLI application here.