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To track the targets, the Track framework requires some information about the target. The VIRNECT Track Target Trainer is a CLI application that generates this trackable data, which fuses the virtual and real objects.

CLI Trainer

Starting the trainer application with no argument, or -h, or -help displays usage instructions.

The following types of targets can be trained with our CLI Trainer application:


Map targets need to be recorded with the framework itself. See: Map Target Recording.

File Format

All trained targets will be saved in the .track file format. Detail information about the content of a .track file can be extracted using the export function of the trainer:

Exporting detailed target information requires 3 arguments:

  • -E to enable export mode
  • Output directory
  • Input .track target file

This exports the input file, embedded during target training, to the given output directory. It also provides detailed information about the .track file in the console:

Unity ActiveTargetManager

  • Target name
  • Target type
  • Target Version
  • Internal ID
  • Physical dimensions in meter
  • Binary file size


Download the trainer CLI application here.

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