Using the Track Unity package you can develop advanced AR applications with Unity.
Package Setup
Describes the import and usage of the Track Unity package -
Scene Prefabs
Details regarding essential Track prefabs -
Explains additional Track components
Operating Systems
VIRNECT Track can be executed directly in the Unity editor for convenient testing. This is tested for:
- Windows 10 x64
- Windows 11 x64
- Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS
- Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS
It is expected that track will also work on other Linux based operating systems but is not tested for full functionality.
Unity Versions
VIRNECT Track has been extensively tested for the Unity editor version 2022.3.13f1
Incorporating the package into other versions is anticipated to be functional, although it may result in unexpected behavior.
Build platforms
Unity applications with VIRNECT Track can be deployed for the following platforms:
- PC Native: Windows or Ubuntu
- Android: API level 28 and above
Fusion Tracker
The TRACK framework can work in conjunction with ARCore (Android) and ARKit (iOS). In Unity, this implementation is provided through Unity AR Foundation.
For details regarding AR Foundation please referee to the official Unity documentation.
To enable fusion tracker, download the AR Foundation package using the Unity package manager in addition to importing the TRACK package as explained here. Then prefabs from both packages can be added without conflicts. With fusion tracking the full potential of both AR tracking frameworks can be utilized.
Platform Specific Information
- Ensure that
Windows Build Support (IL2CPP)
is installed with your Unity Editor.
- Ensure that
Linux Build Support (IL2CPP)
is installed with your Unity Editor.
- Ensure that
Android Build Support
is installed with your Unity Editor. - The usage of the Recorder UI is only supported until API level 29.